Wednesday, September 1, 2010
If This Blog Were A Plant... would be dead! I haven't updated in forever! & by forever I mean all summer. I tweet pretty much everyday so if you follow me on Twitter you're caught up on nearly everything. We moved [again!], I just started the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy, & my daughter started pre-k. I've been super tired & busy. Probably more lazy than tired & busy. Haha. Anyways, I've been thinking of moving my blog. I know I've done that before but I just feel like I'm lacking inspiration for All Things Girly :/ I mean, i obviously still love the girly things in life but I can't seem to stay committed to only blogging about makeup & clothes these days. It doesn't define my everyday life. I want to have a blog that's a little bit or a lot bit outside the box. Share more than just stuff about me being a girly girl to the extreme. I want to blog about what Hubby made for dinner. I want to blog about kids fashion and the books my daughters like. I want to blog about my baby bump and my favorite dish soap LOL!! i feel like none of those topics would fit well in this blog. If I move my blog I'll let y'all know so you can come along for the ride. Alright, well, i gotta go make breakfast now. Thank you ladies for sticking around and reading my ramblings. Love ya much.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Project 365 Has A New Name & A New Home
I don't like how posting the pictures from Project 365 directly from Flickr to this blog turned out. The photos are too small for my liking. I decided to put a badge to the right side of the blog with my Flickr photos & post the actual photos on Photos Infinity , a blog I created on Tumblr specifically for my photo project. Project 365 is taking a photo everyday for a whole year. That's quite a challenge, yet my crazy self has decided to do it forever, & ever, & ever. Can it be done? Can I actually stick to posting a photo daily for the rest of my life? I decided that I can & that I will do my best to achieve this. My camera is always on me & I definitely take pictures on a daily basis. If for any reason there isn't a photo posted on there for the day, I either had no Internet connection, the electricity went out, or I had a baby. Either way they will be posted even if they're belated. LOL Am I talking a lot again?? haha. Ok, Well, I'm gonna get back to studying now. Love you girlies!!
ps. If you are doing Project 365 or any other kind of photo project leave the link in the comments!! :]
ps. If you are doing Project 365 or any other kind of photo project leave the link in the comments!! :]
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 7- Tony Romas
[05.07.2010] Believe it or not, tonight was the first time Hubby & I every went to Tony Romas. It was 10:30ish when we got there & they were closing at 11. We weren't very hungry so we shared a plate. I don't know what it's called but it was pretty good.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 6 - Learned How To Tie A Tie
[05.06.2010] Today my sister, Crystal, taught me how to fix a tie. These are my Coach tie/scarf thingies LOL I love 'em & usually knotted them loosely, but now I can wear 'em with a legit tie knot! yay!! Yeah, that was the highlight of my day :] I did these myself!
ps. Hubby got all feelings because he says I could have asked him a long time ago to teach me haha...oops!
ps. Hubby got all feelings because he says I could have asked him a long time ago to teach me haha...oops!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 5 - 88 Eyeshadow Palette
[05.05.2010] Today I finally got my 88 palette in the mail! It's freakin' amazing!
Happy Cinco De Mayo! :]
Happy Cinco De Mayo! :]
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 4 - Grilled Onions
[05.04.2010] I'd been craving a homemade burger for a long time & we finally got a round to making some. I love my burger with grilled onions so here's the shot of the day :]
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 3 - Scrabble Coffee Mug
[05.03.2010] This is one of my favorite mugs. I have it in "Q" also. LOL Today was the first time in a very long time that I had coffee & didn't get a headache afterwards. Hubby & I used to spend hours playing Scrabble so when I saw the mugs I just had to buy them. I miss playing Scrabble. I haven't seen it since we moved about 5 months ago. All our board games are in some box way in the back of the closet.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 2 - Family Shadows
[05.02.2010] We went to the beach & took tons of pictures. I couldn't decide which I'd use for today's Project 365, but I went with this one. I think it was a good choice. I love this photo!! From left to right: Mommy, Little Sister, Daddy, & Big Sister :]
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 1 - My Canon
[05.01.2010] I couldn't decide what my first picture would be so I went with this :) I'll be using this camera for most of the picture I take for this project.
Project365 [Testing. Testing. 1, 2, 3...]
I'm gonna be doing a Project 365. It's just a project in which you take one picture per day for a year. A few of the girls on Twitter & I are starting today. This is not my first's just me testing out how blogging a picture straight from Flickr would work out. My plan is to do the project on my Flickr account then make one blogpost per week with each week's photos. This way this project doesn't completely take over my blog. Feel free to join!! It'll be lots of fun seeing what others photograph. The pictures you take can be of absolutely anything!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Material Instinct :]
Like 2 or maybe even 3 Saturdays ago [yeah, this post is way over due] I was feeling sick & hormonal LOL. We had a kid's birthday party to attend that I was just not in the mood to go to. Right before we left for the party Hubby checked the mail & there was a package for me :] Made my day!! I knew it was the ModCloth lip balm that I won from Valerie's Blog. It's exciting to me, as it probably is to everyone else, to get a package in the mail. Valerie sent me the lip balm + a few other goodies & she even included a cute little note :] The blush was sealed but it was cracked. It must have not been handled with care through shipment. haha I'm still using it though. She's the nicest person I've met on the internet & I can relate to her so much. You should definitly check out her blog, Material Instinct & her YouTube channel :] btw, she has monthly giveaways on her channel :)
Here's a few pictures of what she sent me.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My Mother's Day 2010 Wishlist
♥I've been a mother for over 4 years but have never had an actual gift unwrapping. Usually we'll be at the store and I see something I like & Hubby will be like, "you want it for Mother's Day?" & he just buys it for me then even if it's weeks in advance. He's not so great at keeping things from me. He can never keep a surprise a secret which is why I always get my birthday gifts early. I think he put a little more effort into last year's Mother's Day. He gave me a card, roses, & a huge box of condoms [what a think-for-yourselfer!! :P haha] I didn't mind though. He knew it's a gift I'd like. He put it in a really cute gift bag & used plastic grocery bags as "tissue paper"...that screams LAST MINUTE! but I'm not picky or high maintnance at all. Especially not with gifts. Nonetheless, this year I have a wishlist. LOL I will more than likely just get the last thing because it's something that I'll actually need. What do you Mommies want for Mother's Day? What do you get your mom?♥
On To My Wishlist...
On To My Wishlist...
- IHOP gift card cuz it's my fave & we go there for pretty much everything!
- China Glaze nail polish in Recycle!!
- Too Faced Lip Insurance [it's kinda new. I haven't seen a single review on it but I wanna give it a try]
- Too Faced Walk of Shame Set...I really wanna try the Shadow Insurance, that lipstick, & how freakin cute is that tooth brush!!?!
- The Tummy Sleeve

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Big NYX Sale
♥I've got several blog post ready to go up that I need to add pictures to. Right when I started taking the pictures my camera died. The extra battery & the charger are in the camera bag & the camera bag is in the Hubby's car. The hubby's at work so here I am cameraless :/ Since I wanted to post something up already I decided to share this NYX sale with you girlies. NYX Cosmetics doesn't have sales all the time, so when they do it's major. Sometimes people complain about the shipping costs but it still beats having to pay full price for everything. The sale doesn't start until next Thursday, April 22nd though. Mark your calenders! I think I'll load up on lipsticks or jumbo eyeshadow pencils. what are some good NYX products you like?♥

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pocahontas Inspired
♥I wanted to put a prom outfit together inspired by Pocahontas because she's my absolute favorite!! After I finished the prom look the Pocahontas theme just went on and on for a few more outfit. Here's what came out of it♥ ...
This set is very costumey. Definitely something I'd wear for Halloween.
This set is very casual & cute for Spring & Summer.
Here's another cute outfit that's casual enough to wear on an ordinary day.
This set is very fun & a great look for a date or dinner with the girlies.
ps. When I was younger I wanted to grow up to be Pocahontas at Disneyland
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Day Without Shoes
TOMS Shoes is an organization that sells shoes & for every pair of shoes sold another pair is donated to children who don't have any. Tomorrow, April 8th, is A Day Without Shoes. It is an event to raise awareness. Millions of children grow up barefoot. Living without shoes isn't easy. They get cuts, scrapes, & can even develop serious health problems over time. To make your part you can purchase your shoes at & to help contribute to A Day Without Shoes go barefoot tomorrow. HERE you can get more information, find an event near you, and even alternatives to how you can participate if you can't actually go barefoot. Millions live without shoes, so sacrificing our shoes for a day should be nothing to complain about. Experience what many suffer everyday.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
5 Year Wedding Anniversary!!
♥ March 19, 2010...Our 5 year wedding anniversary. The plan was to go to the beach, fish a little, a nice dinner, & after that something fun like a walk along the water or hangout at a bar. Didn't happen!! Not only was South Padre Island jam-packed with Spring Breakers, but there was an accident on the Queen Isabella bridge. The drive there was so much fun, though. We had a "who can blow the biggest bubble" competition...I totally won! Anywho, we decided to take a road trip. Where to? Nowhere, really. we've always wanted to go on a road trip with no named destination...just drive, & drive & keep on driving. So we took a U turn & stopped at Wal-Mart to buy a GPS because we didn't have one with us. While at Wal-Mart we decided that we should take the kiddos with us even though the drive back to them was over an hour away. After buying the GPS & a few munchies Hubby said it was late & it would be better if we just left the next day in the morning. We returned the GPS before even getting outta the store because we were just gonna use the one back home. In other words the GPS we had just bought was an emergency/backup one LOL So anyway, I called the babysitters aka my sisters [btw, they're the best babysitters on the planet] & let them know we were gonna drive back & pick up the girls right after dinner. We went to Red Lobster. We had Strawberry Daiquiris. Mine was virgin of course :) The food was yummy. Overall it was a great night. I love long drives with the Hubby because we always have those heart-to-heart conversations or those silly ones. They're a lot of fun!♥
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentines Day - Classy or Edgey
♥I absolutely love this dress & I'd totally buy it if I had anywhere to wear it too. I'd like, host a V-day party or something just to wear this!! So cute! You can change one piece of clothes dramatically just buy the way you accessorize it. Don't be afraid to go crazy with accessories. I am guilty of over-accessorizing but that's just me & I love it. ♥
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Soda Flavored LipSmacker
♥So you may [because I tweeted about it forever haha] or may not [because you don't follow me on Twitter :P] know that my kidneys are all sucky...Doctor said it was the soda/coke/pop/whatever-you-call-it messing me up & that I needed to drink more water. She said it could rapidly become very serious so that same day I decided to give up soda. It was really hard at first because I went from drinking it everyday at all hours to not drinking it at all & I've been yummy carbonated beverage free since that day, Nov. 17, 2009. On one of my random trips to Wal-Mart I was in the cosmetics aisle looking for a lipstick & ran into this SPRITE Lip Smacker!! It comes with a little gloss & a lip balm. I laughed about it with my sister for a while & then I bought it. It smells just like Sprite & it tastes like it too, but flat. haha. It's as close as it can possibly be to the real thing. ♥

Happy New Year?...
♥It's 2010! Happy New Year!! Okay. So I realize it's February & I haven't blog since like last year [literally!!] December & January have been so hectic. We moved from a 5 bedroom house to a 3 bedroom apartment & it's taking longer than I thought to settle in. We had a ton of stuff boxed up & when they first brought all the stuff in, the living room looked like a terrible case on an episode of Hoarders! The living room is cleared out now, but we aren't completely done unpacking. Hubby & I decided to leave most things packed because we'll be moving again in 6 months. Of course we unpacked all the clothes, kitchen stuff, & like half of the girls' toys. The things that are staying in boxes are like trophies, crafts supplies, & like random stuff we wanna keep but don't necessarily need on a daily basis. Here are a few pictures that were taken in the past couple months...just cuz :]♥

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