♥It's Prom season!! My prom was back in '06 but I just can't help getting excited around this time of the year. It's just fun to see all the girls shopping for dresses & a boatload of "prom edition" magazines at the grocery store. This post may be a little late to some of you since you might have had your prom a few weeks ago...or maybe a few years, but the high school I graduated from is having prom tonight!!!♥
♥So it's the day of prom. You got your nails done & he's out getting a hair cut and picking up the corsage with ribbon in the perfect tone to match your dress. Date?...check! Dress?...check! Shoes?...check! Hair & makeup?...check! Now, you are just about ready. You are more than likely not gonna walk out the door hauling that tote-like handbag you usually carry. A clutch or small purse is a fabulous option. Here are a few things that I suggest you take with you to prom.♥
♥So it's the day of prom. You got your nails done & he's out getting a hair cut and picking up the corsage with ribbon in the perfect tone to match your dress. Date?...check! Dress?...check! Shoes?...check! Hair & makeup?...check! Now, you are just about ready. You are more than likely not gonna walk out the door hauling that tote-like handbag you usually carry. A clutch or small purse is a fabulous option. Here are a few things that I suggest you take with you to prom.♥

♥When it comes to makeup you don't really need to take eyeshadow or mascara. Just take eyeliner, lipstick and/or lip gloss(which ever you are using), blush, & pressed powder. It's a good idea to take a face brush or kabuki brush that you can use with both the blush & the powder. Using a brush to freshen up your powder instead of the sponge that comes in the compact will give you more of an air-brush-like finish & it won't look cakey. Take an extra set of earrings just in case you were to lose[or brake] one of the ones you are wearing. Safety pins will possibly come in handy :) Gum is great after dinner, but please!please!please! do not chew it all night!! You don't have to take a travel size deodorant, but some girls may find that helpful to feel comfortable throughout the night. You might want to reapply some after all the dancing...or maybe even before if you plan to dance to "Y-M-C-A" or something weird like that LOL. Take a few band-aids. If you don't use it cuz you got a cut, you might use it on your feet if your shoes start bugging you (when this happens it is usually on the back of the ankles) Also, you absolutely don't wanna forget your camera!! Make sure your memory card is empty & your battery is charged. Take extra batteries if you think you'll need 'em. And your cell phone, of course....not like you were leaving it behind anyway! Oh, & take a pad or tampon, whichever you prefer. You just never know.♥
♥QUICK TIP: When it comes to taking pictures say "Hey!" instead of "cheese" & you will look naturally gorgeous...I PROMise♥
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