♥ Hey Supergirlies!! Just wanted to invite you to join ♥All Things Girly♥ , a social network for girls to post pictures & videos, talk about makeup & fashion, share their tips, blog, and even chat with the other members. The site has forums in which discussions can be started within a variety of categories such as beauty and fashion. In the forums I have put 2 categories in which I'd like to see every member take part in. The first is an intro of yourself...nothing fancy, just a bit about you. You can make it as long or as short as you'd like. The second category is "Link Us To You". Here you could post links to your blog, youtube channel, twitter, or whatever other website you have and would like to share. This way the other members can visit your sites :] There's so much more that will be going on as soon as we get more members. Please join us!! It'll be fun & it's completely free. See you there girlies! ♥

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